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Meeting #2 Minutes

Tustin Unified School District

2023-24 School Site Council (SSC) Meeting #2

Foothill High School
November 16, 2023 @ 3:40


SSC Attendance for this meeting included: (number of attendees)


SSC parents/guardians or community members


School Staff Certificated/Teachers


School Staff Classified



A quorum must be present in order to conduct business.  (Quorum = 50% +1)

A quorum of the committee members:


Has been met


Has not been met


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Call to Order 3:40 p.m.
    1. Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the last meeting were approved by Bishop Griggs and seconded by Marie Garza as read and/or corrected.

    1. Approval of Proposed Agenda

The agenda was approved by Pablo Sanchez and second by Bishop Griggs.

  1. Committee Reports
    1. DELAC 13 students reclassified.
    2. WASC Next year, get accreditation and focus groups.
  2. Legal Requirements
    1. SSC Bylaws (if revisions were requested in Meeting #1)

                                                              i.      Adopt bylaws

    1. Present overview of Student Performance Data on CAASPP and ELPAC
    2. 2023-24 SPSA Budget Review and Development      

                                                              i.      Fee waivers, Software, ILT intervention, LCAP  $9,359 this year.

Supplemental AP Exam $25,000. $4869 other LCAP supplemental

    1. 2023-24 SPSA Approval

                                                              i.      Motion to approve the 23/24 SPSA by: Bishop Griggs

                                                             ii.      Motion seconded by: Marie Garza

    1. Schoolwide Behavior Plan (SEL/PBIS/Discipline Matrix)
    2. Comprehensive Safe Schools Plan: Meeting federal requirements vision. Gather and analyze data. Improve attendance and suspension.

                                                              i.      Motion to approve the Safe Schools Plan by Pablo Sanchez

                                                             ii.      Motion seconded by Marie Garza

    1. Parent Involvement and Education Opportunities (District and School)

Q & A Principal talk on 1/11/2024 and Counselor talk on 2/22/2024. ELPAC parent involvement policy starts at site level.

  1. Unfinished Business
  2. New Business
    1. Presented Schoolwide Safety Plan by CK Green. Bishop moved to approve. Marie seconded. All in favor to approve.  Approving plan that stands by Bishop Griggs and seconded by Marie Garza.
  3. Adjournment
    1. Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Bishop Griggs and seconded by Pablo Sanchez.
    2. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

 Materials Provided or Presented to SSC members:

●       List of SSC members

●       DELAC Report

●       WASC Report (High Schools only)

●       Copy of Bylaws (if revisions were made in Meeting #1)

●       Current Budget Summary Reports for all Categorical programs

●       School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

●       Schoolwide Behavior Plan

●       Comprehensive Safe Schools Plan

●       Parent Involvement and Education Opportunities (flyers, booklets, etc.)