Foothill High School
School Photos
Seniors: School photos are only used for your FHS ID, NOT the yearbook photo.
Senior portraits are taken at South Coast Photographic's studio BY APPOINTMENT only. The photo of your choice is used in the FHS yearbook. Click here for more information.
If you missed Registration, the makeup yearbook photos will be taken a few weeks into the school year. The date will be announced in the Daily Bulletin.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
School photos will be taken at Foothill HS during Registration, on August 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. All students will be photographed for school records, Id's, yearbook and picture packages for purchase. You may order your student's 2023-24 school photos, through the South Coast Photographic site, just follow these simple steps:
Go to:
Click on K-11 Fall Photos icon
On the upper left side of screen click search for photos
Type in the student’s school ID number (in some cases it will be permanent ID#)
The student’s image will appear click on the image and begin to create an account.
Select the package.
Also click on our Sports/Campus Life page to view photos taken throughout the year.